
Sunday, 17 February 2013

Dear Jane on display

The lovely ladies from the Australian Quilters Association cut the ribbon to open the spectacular 
Dear Jane display at the Box Hill Town Hall last weekend. 
Val, Pam and Sonya did the honours and invited us all to enter!

First on the list was a stunning Jane made by Shirley

 A revisit with Sonja's Jane (I showed you this one last post! It's still one of my favourites)

This Red and Blue delight is by Robyn, one of our Friday girls.

Lois (aka my Mum) lovely Jane, not quilted unfortunately... I ran out of time!!!!

Adrienne, one of our regular Wednesday girls has been working on this for just over 12 months and is in the middle of hand quilting. I love the use of the darker sashing and border triangles. Can't wait to see this one finished.

 Ellen, another Friday girl, has named this quilt 'You Jane, Me Tarzan'.
This Jane is made from lots of animal prints!

There were over 50 Dear Jane's on display, along with a selection of other stunning quilts made by the AQA group. 
I wonder where we have seen this one before :-)   Shirley's Mrs Billings is always a pleasure to see.

'Nearly Insane' (above) by Jan and 'Phoebe' (below) by Dorothy

The group put on a wonderful show with lots of truly magnificent quilts to see.

And at the end of every good day out, a lovely cup of tea provided by the quilt show committee.

Congratulations to everyone involved with the organisation of this amazing event. I know there were lots and lots of visitors during the three days both local and from a far. Thank you to Shirley for allowing me to use her photos, and to the ladies who gave their permission to post those photos of their quilts for you to share.
I can't wait to see what this group will display next time!!!!

Until then,


  1. Wow what a wonderful display - would love to have been there! Stunning photo of them all from above!
    Congratulations to everyone - it looks very professional.

  2. What a show!!! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  3. Wow - what an amazing display of quilts!

  4. Breath-taking! Amazing group of quilts. Thank you for sharing some of it.


  5. Thanks so much for sharing your photos Karen, I'm inspired to resume the quilting on my Dear Jane and maybe finish it this year.

  6. Thanks for sharing! Wonderful, amazing group of quilts and quilters.:)
