
Monday, 4 February 2013

Calling all lovers of Dear Jane...

Do you love Dear Jane? Well have I got something for you!

If you are lucky enough to be in Melbourne this weekend you must come along to the Dear Jane Exhibition 
presented by the Australian Quilters Association (AQA).
There will be over 50 Dear Jane's on display. The quilts will be in various states of completion from entirely finished; 
quilted with binding, finished tops, large pieced sections and everything in between!

And to whet your appetite....
How is this lovely version by Sonia!

 Plus a close-up!

We had another busy weekend of stitching, the girls were in full flight for another 12 midday to 12 midnight!
Lots of stitching, eating and especially laughing, sorry no photos... next time I promise!

Lots of shopping too. These trolleys were purchased at the local $2 shop.
They were all lined up in a row and called out to be shown!

I am planning my trip to the Dear Jane Quilt Exhibition and will post lots of photos for you to share too.

Until then,


  1. love to see all of you sitting there hand stitching - wish it was more popular here where I and only a couple others hand stitch.
    love those 2 dollar trolleys!
    Seeing Dear Jane reminds me I need to get out the second Dear Jane I made and quilt her.

  2. I can't make it to the Dear Jane exhibition so I will be looking forward to seeing all your photos.

  3. I am looking forward to your photos. I can't even imagine what a Dear Jane exhibition would be like. I know once I see, however, it will send me back to my DJ project.

  4. Karen, I just found your blog, and have enjoyed reading past posts. The quilts you've shown are absolutely amazing. I'd love to move to Australia just to learn from such amazing quilters! I love your block a day idea, and will be joining in, probably with last years block though. Thanks!
