
Monday, 17 June 2013

A flying visit to Sydney

Another week over, where does time go? Paul and I have just spent the last 8 days in Sydney at the Craft and Quilt show. It was an amazing week. There were so many gorgeous quilts on display and for those of you lucky enough to be there - the 'Best of Show' was SPECTACULAR!!!! Unfortunately I ran out of time to take my camera past but I was able to sit one evening after the show closed and have a very close look. I am sure you will be able to find it on someones blog soon! It was hand pieced, hand appliqued and hand quilted, simply divine.

My shopping for this trip only included places I could find within a very short distance of our stand. This little pincushion from Mai Misaki will be put away with all of the other Japanese treasures I usually pick up. Maybe time will permit me to make it soon! I also found this new folding light from the Scissor Man, battery operated and rechargeable... very nice and compact, perfect for me when I travel.

We have returned home to find lots and lots of rain, lots and lots of paper work and no time for stitching or relaxing in front of the fire! Never mind hopefully there will be time for that next weekend!

While we were in Sydney we caught up with our number 2 Fabric Club member, Toni. Toni has been in the fabric club since the very beginning and it was lovely to see her. We also signed on our most recent member with a club number of 663. There have been a few come and go over the past 6 years but we still have a regular posting of just over 400 every 2nd month. If you would like more information about joining the club too - visit here.

Until next time,

P.S. I have just found this link Your quilt is simply amazing Janet!!!!! Everyone must look too!


  1. The winning quilt can be seen on the makers blog at http:/

    Wish I could see it up close. Well deserving all its accolades.

    1. Thanks Shirley I will put a link on the page....

  2. I wish I had been able to go but being in America I couldn't - I do follow Janet's blog though so I was very happy to see she got so many ribbons on her spectacular quilt!
