
Sunday, 9 September 2012

Friday Show and Tell

The Friday Girls have been very busy over the past few weeks and they all had lots and lots of 'show and tell' to share.
I thought you might like to see a little of what they have been up to.

Ros has made this red and white beauty as a surprise for her sister.

Another Gatton star quilt finished. 
This quilt is also by Ros, but this time she is keeping it for herself!
 With more of the borders showing.

This lovely hexagon quilt was started by Lois from our Wednesday group and has been finished by Robyn (from the Friday girls). 
The finished quilt will be raffled next year, more info on that when we are closer to the date. 

These adorable fussy cut hexagons are from Robyn too! Robyn loves hexagons!

And the last two photos are from Dorothy's 'Susan McCord' quilt. 
Visit Dorothy's blog to see her work in progress!
 We needed more of this one... I just love it!

Sue and I have been very busy this week and we now have Fabric Club all finished and in the post, watch out for them over the next few days. Our next job is to completely unpack that stack of boxes I posted last time and to sort them all out and put them onto the shelves. Once that is done I will let you have a peek too!

Until next time,


  1. Sehr schöne Sachen zeigst Du uns. Sie sind alle wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  2. Great show and tell. They're a talented bunch those Friday girls!!

  3. Oh my! My mouth is agape looking at all these wonderful quilts!!! Awesome!!!
