
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Summer School Update

Our Summer School classes have been very productive again this year... with lots of students learning lots of new things. The clamshell/applecore class was very surprised by the amount of stitching they achieved in a day, and just how easy it is when you know the tricks!

These two examples belong to Glenda and Julie. How do you like Julie's fussy cutting?
Beautiful 'William Morris' applecores!
Mary and Jenny brought along their colourful selection of threads! Yum, just like a box of 'Derwents'.

These clamshells are mine... I think they will turn into a 'Bed Sash', apparently that's the new name for a bed runner, sounds a bit more fancy doesn't it!
This January marks our 9th year of Summer classes and the weather has been very good to us so far, not too hot! There are lots more classes to come and hopefully I will remember to take the camera along and let you in on some of the fun. (Remember, I am still new at this blogging game!)

Until next time,

When in doubt, wear RED shoes!


  1. Love all those clamshells and apple cores! It looks like a slightly different method to how I have been doing them but all end up with the same result. Would love to see some more photos of your Summer School.

  2. Loved these techniques that we learnt with Sue and loved our summer school classes. Thank you.
