
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sue Daley is in town!

Sue Daley came to visit us at Somerset Patchwork last weekend. We had a wonderful evening on Friday with Sue showing us all of her gorgeous quilts from her new book she recently launched at Houston. We will be getting lots of these in store as soon as they are available, keep on eye on the website for more info.

On Saturday Sue, Michelle Yeo and I taught a class called 'Triple the Fun', in this class the three of us taught different techniques all of which could be used in one quilt.

Some of the girls working hard! mmmm...  they were fondly named 'the back of the bus girls, you know the ones, always in trouble and up to mischief!

On Sunday we had a more restful day playing with 'Clamshells' & 'Apple Cores'.

Working hard again! I think some of these girls were in ' that' group from Saturday!

Carolyn and Amanda's Apple Cores... Sue makes this traditional shape so easy using modern techniques

And Shirley's Clamshells... these wonderful shapes are all the rage at the moment.

A good time was had by all. I can't wait to have a little time to play with these shapes myself! Call in to Somerset for a visit to check out these shapes and many more of Sue's English piecing papers from Patchwork with Busy Fingers.

Till next time, yours in quilting, 


  1. Elyte sent me over to have a look at what you are up to and have signed myself up as a follower. I live in Somerset in the UK.

  2. Karen, the girls looked like they were all having so much fun. Sorry I missed it.

  3. I so have to move to Melbourne!!

  4. Loved the weekend. Many thanks to Karen, Sue and the team. Fabulous hanging out with 'like minded' new friends. Had a great time.
