
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

A Somerset sojourn

This June Somerset Patchwork is going on a sojourn to Brisbane 
to visit the Quilts from the Victoria and Albert Museum (London)
29th - 30th June

The exhibition 'Quilts 1700-1945' is on show at the Queensland Art Gallery
from 15th June - 22nd September.

Would you like to join Karen and Sue on Saturday 29th June for a guided tour of these outstanding quilts and
visit the original 'King George III reviewing the Troops' as shown above?
Other attractions at the gallery include 'The Rajah quilt' 1841, on loan from the National Gallery of Australia
and a selection of quilts from Ruth Stonely, a well known Brisbane quilter.

After visiting the gallery Saturday morning, there will be an afternoon and evening of stitching 
followed by a full day of fun and activity on Sunday 30th June.

Karen and Sue will bring along their large collection of English style quilts for 'Show and Tell' 
along with a sewing project for you to work on during the day on Sunday.

The cost of the weekend will be $250 - 
this cost will cover entry to the Queensland Art Gallery with a guided tour Saturday morning, 
stitching Saturday afternoon and evening with Karen and Sue. 
On Sunday we will have a small project for you to sew using our traditional hand piecing techniques. 
A fully catered lunch, morning and afternoon tea.

The event will be held at the Riverside Hotel, Southbank, Brisbane - a short walk to the gallery, 
city centre and other attractions along the Brisbane River. 
The hotel has accommodation available and also provides on site parking for visitors.

For more information please contact the shop 03 9807 3399,
 visit here to download a booking form or send us an email!

Sue and I would love to see you there!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

What a week! or two...

The past two weeks have been full on with 'stuff' happening at the shop, new block of the months to organise, 
AQC (Australasian Quilt Convention) here in Melbourne to set up - man - and pull down, 
and loads of things to get finished for our upcoming trip to Portland for 'Spring Market' ... 
life is never dull at my place these days!!!

AQC is held at one of our most beautiful historic buildings here in Melbourne.
I met these two lovely ladies Lenora (left) from Elm Grove Patchwork and Linda (right) from Gum Valley Patchwork
Linda's gorgeous hexagon quilt 'Dear Prudence' caught my attention. 
These little hexagons are 3/8 inch in size and lots of them were fussy cut... OMG! 
Visit here for more information.

Here is a quick pic of my newest quilt 'Vivary Park' almost done. 
It has gone off for its official photo this week and the pattern will be available soon! 
While I have been waiting for its return I had a look through some larger pieces of fabric that have been lurking in the stash for a while and I think I will be able to complete this project as I intended - to use fabric that I have located on the dining room table 
or in my pile of 'stuff' at home! I have found this a very interesting exercise, 
not sure I will be able to do that to often!

Back at the shop the girls have been hard at work. 
Kim has made this quilt using the New Orleans fabric that came in a few weeks back. 
She has even pieced together the backing using leftovers. Very nice Kim!

Adrienne has started her star-a-day project. 
I love this project.. everyones stars are delightful.

Kim has cut some stars too! 
Each time she uses a fabric the template comes out and 4 diamonds are prepared ready to stitch when the time arises!

Until next time,

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Merrimack photo as promised, finished at last :) The templates should be arriving this week, the fabric is all but sorted and the pattern for month 1 is almost complete! Enrolment forms are available and I think we are ... ready to go ...! I hope you like it.


What do you do when you have finished a quilt - you start (or finish) another of course! This group of Irish Chain blocks surround my appliqué centre that you may have seen on a previous post. I have had a wonderful day off today and spent most of my time piecing these blocks as well as sitting quietly in the sun (for a few minutes) appliquéing the last of the hexagons in place. Unfortunately I ran out of fabric with 4 blocks to go, drat, that means I will have to break my rules on this project and use some fabric from the shop; NOT just fabric that I have found on the dining room table or in my personal stash. Never mind I was very, very close to achieving my goal!

Even though I did have some quiet time today I mostly felt like this lady... I don't drink coffee but I do know how she feels! My downfall is black tea and when you are on a roll there is always more and more consumed. Luckily I didn't have to thread the sewing machine needle.

Until next time,

Monday, 8 April 2013

Green Fabric! Plus Show and Tell...

There have been many calls, emails and questions about my last post... Where did that 'green fabric with the birds come from'? The group of fabrics that I have been using for my most recent quilt have been accumulating for a little while; when I found them I chose to look deep and only use what was in my private stash! That is a common phrase Sue and I hear at the shop each week, and this time I decided I would have a go at using my older fabrics too!

The 'green' fabric is from a range by Anna Griffin, I think it is about 6 or 7 years old! I have been hoarding it for a little while now and until recently had forgotten I had it! But it was perfect for my new idea.

I thought you might like to see just how little these hexies are beside a US 1 cent and an Aussie 5 cent.

This past weekend was are Sunday Sewing group. The girls were working hard and here is a little of their Show and Tell...

Appliqué and Hexagons by Catherine
Ring of Roses in Red by Julie
Mrs Billings from Jane
Appliqué from Val

Until next time,

p.s. don't forget - we are still in Birthday Sale mode at Somerset for another week. There are lots of new specials on offer!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

While trying to be tidy...

A few weeks ago I decided to try and be a little bit more tidy in my sewing 'spot'. I took a good look at the space, moved 'stuff' from one spot to another, located a thing or two that had been missing and found a little pile of fabric already sorted waiting to become 'something'! I had a quick look at that something I had drawn up some time ago and decided - no - that wasn't it, but wait, this new idea was! The space is still a mess (more on that in a later post) but this group of fabrics has started to turn into a new quilt. Not sure of it's name yet but if all goes according to plan you will see it finished soon.

These were the fabrics I discovered under the mess that is called my work space!
Some of the fabrics turned themselves into hexagons.  I am STILL in love with hexagons!
And these two prints, which fortunately I had loads of, were joined by some Tea Stain background and are now transformed into an Irish chain.

I am not 100% sure how this quilt will end, but I am enjoying every step along the way,

Until next time,

p.s. Merrimack is quilted, the binding is on and it's ready for a photo. I'll show you how its going next time!

Monday, 1 April 2013

10th Birthday Sale...

It's our birthday ...  

this month marks the 10th anniversary of Somerset Patchwork 
and to celebrate we are having a Birthday Sale...

There will be lots of 10's in store... 
a large range of fabric on the bolt - red spot specials - at $10 per m (50cm minimum)
10 % off all fabrics on the shelf
plus, take an additional 10% discount if you are a fabric club member (20% discount in total)

Sale starts Tuesday 2nd April and continues until Saturday 13th April,
lots more specials available in store!

See you soon!