
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Newcastle Craft and Sewing Show...

The Newcastle Craft and Sewing Show always puts a smile on my face... I noticed this sign a few years ago when we first visited this venue. My imagination always runs away with images of ladies rushing in and being passed along on the shoulders of their fellow quilters or crafters... 'Surfing' for bargains and specials!
 Here we are, all set and ready for trade.

I will be back in the shop soon, with photos of some new fabrics that have arrived while I have been away. 

Until then,

Saturday, 11 August 2012

A Sewing Marathon!

Last weekend was the latest in our super sewing Saturdays... also known as 'Midday to Midnight Madness' where a large group of enthusiastic quilters sat and sewed their way through the afternoon and well into the night. While they were sewing, many of you may have been watching the olympic games; to commemorate their own marathon event the girls created these beautiful olympic rings!

The weekend continued with 'Applique Sunday' where there was lots of show and tell.     
Ann has finished another block from her 'Antique Wedding Sampler'.

Mary is stacking up lots and lots of teeny hexagons for her next masterpiece.

And Julie has returned to her 'Morelle' quilt after finishing Mrs Billings.

Robin's Nest is almost complete now, with just a few minor finishing touches to add!
There are still a small number of full kit block of the month subscriptions available.

This week Paul and I have been in Canberra at the Craft and Quilt Fair and we will be in New Castle next week for the Craft and Sewing Show. If you are in town call in and say 'Hello'!

Until next time,

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Mrs Billings on Show!

At last... a post featuring the fantastic quilts created by friends and family of Somerset Patchwork. The girls have worked very hard over the past few months and with a little prodding from me, met their deadlines and created the most amazing display of their very own Mrs Billings quilts. There were close replicas to my block of the month quilt, variations with individual designs and quilts inspired by the original 1790's English quilt. There were traditional colour choices, soft feminine hues and bold dramatic fabrics.
The combined result was a feast for the eyes!

If you were unable to attend and see them for yourself, please sit back and enjoy the following photos...

'Mrs Billings Revisited' by Lois Bell (aka my MUM!)

'This One's For You Mr Billings' by Lynne Windross

'My Mrs Billings' by Shirley Lodington
(runner up Best of Show)

'Beguiling Billings' by Meredithe Clark
(First prize Traditional Professional Two Person... I got a ribbon too for quilting this one!)

'(In) Sanity' by Glenys Nash

'Felicity Billings' by Susan James

'Gypsy Billings at Midnight' by Roslyn Littlejohn

'Baby Billings' by Nancy Flowers

'Jubilee Billings' by Leigh Edwards

'Colour Blind' by Mary Asker

'Wendy's Cover' by Wendy Gleeson

'Contraception' by Julie Meago

'Mrs Brown's Ordeal' by Wendy Blyth

'A Visit with Mrs Billings' by Jenny Hancock

'Mrs Billings' by Kaye Balchin

and ... '42' by Susan Ambrose

I would like to thank each and everyone of these wonderful ladies (and many more from our Friday Morning sewing group) for their patience and persistence over the past 12-18 months. The journey together has been filled with learning, friendship and lots and lots of laughs. Without their encouragement my original version would not have been completed! Thanks also to Linda Collins for photographing of each of these quilts.

I hope you enjoyed this post!